Parr, David and Shelly, John, "A Study of Fluvial Geomorphology Aspects of Hydraulic Design," CEAE Professional Development Series, Kansas City, April 19, 2010.
Parr, David, Malone, Travis, and Milburn, Shannon, "Scour Analysis of Proposed Atchison Bridge over the Missouri River " CEAE Professional Development Series, Kansas City, April 19, 2010.
Parr, David, Parsons, Robert, and Miller, Jackie, "Stream Instability Countermeasures Applied at KDOT Highway Structures" CEAE Professional Development Series, Kansas City, April 19, 2010.
Darwin, David, "Low Cracking - High Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks," 56th Annual Concrete Conference, University of Minnesota, December 7, 2006
Darwin, David, "Concrete Construction: What Designers Should Know" CEAE Professional Development Series, Kansas City, February 27, 2006