Thapa, S., Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., and Lepage, A., “Beam-End Bond Tests of Textured-Epoxy-Coated No. 6 Reinforcing Bars,” SL Report 24-1, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, November 2024 (Updated February 2025), 14 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Neupane, U., Lequesne, R. D., Lepage, A., and Darwin, D., “Mechanically-Spliced High-Strength Steel Bars in Earthquake-Resistant Walls,” SM Report No. 165, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, February, 2025, 320 pp. KU Scholar works
O’Reilly, M., and Al-Qassag, O., “Rapid Macrocell Tests of 2304 Reinforcing Bars,” SL Report 24-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2022, 7 pp.
Aryal, A. M., Truman, K., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M. “Bond Strength of Textured Epoxy-Coated Bars,” SL Report No. 151, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2023, 300 pp. Download pdf
Adhikari, R., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M. “Development Length and Splice Strength of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars in High-Strength Concrete,” SM Report No. 160, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2024, 401 pp. Download pdf or KU ScholarWorks
Neupane, U., Lequesne, R. D., Lepage, A., and Darwin, D., “Behavior of Earthquake-Resistant Reinforced Concrete Column-Foundation Connections,” SM Report No. 162, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October, 2024, 250 pp. Download pdf or KU ScholarWorks
Niyonyungu, F., Lequesne, R. D., Lepage, A., and Darwin, D., “Deformation Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Column-to-Foundation Connections with Anchorage/Breakout Failures,” SM Report No. 161, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September, 2024, 182 pp. Download pdf or KU ScholarWorks
Valentini, G., Lequesne, R. D., Lepage, A., and Darwin, D., “Compression Lap Splices and Compression Development of Headed and Hooked Bars in Beam-Column Joints,” SM Report No. 159, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July, 2024, 188 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
Dhungel, S., Bahadori, A, Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., and Truman, K., “Evaluation of Cracking Performance of Bridge Decks With And Without Overlays and With and Without Fibers,” SL Report 23-1, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, November 2023, Final Submittal May 2024, 102 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
Adhikari, B., Lequesne, R. D., & Collins, W., “Long-Term Implications of Redecking Bridges with Prestressed Concrete Girders,” SM Report No. 158, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, March, 2024, 152 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
Bahadori, A., Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., and Salavati, M, “Construction of Low-Cracking High-Performance Bridge Decks Incorporating New Technology Phase II,” Report No. FHWA-KS-23-02, Kansas Department of Transportation (also SM Report No. 157, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS), December 2023, 291 pp. Download pdf KU ScholarWorks
Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., Lequesne, R., and Thapa, S., “Bond Behavior of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars in Non-Proprietary UHPC,” Final Project Report – FHWA-OK-23-04, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, October, 2023, 95 pp., also SM Report No. 156. Download pdf KU ScholarWorks
Dhungel, S., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M., “Effects of Total Internal Water Content on Freeze-Thaw Durability and Scaling Resistance of Internally-Cured Concrete,” SM Report No. 154, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2023, 106 pp. Download pdf KU ScholarWorks
Banaeipour, A., Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., Lequesne, R. D., Lepage, A., and Blessent, M., “Development of Large High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks and Heads,” SM Report No. 153, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2023, 392 pp. Download pdf.KU ScholarWorks
Vosough Grayli, P., O’Reilly, M., and Darwin, D., “Evaluation of Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks,” SM Report No. 152, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2023, 322 pp. Download pdf KU ScholarWorks
Nazzal, L. A., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M., “Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars in Concrete,” SM Report No. 150, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2023, 300 pp. Download pdf, KU ScholarWorks
Bahadori, A., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M., “Internally-Cured Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (IC-LC-HPC) Bridge Decks: Durability and Cracking Performance,” SM Report No. 149, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2023, 535 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
O'Reilly, M. and Darwin, D., "Chloride Content and Carbonation of KU Memorial Stadium Cores," SL Report 22-4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August, 2022, 69 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
Aljawad, Y., Lequesne, R. D., and O’Reilly, M., “Low-Shrinkage Ultra-High-Performance Concrete,” SL Report 22-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August, 2022, 69 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
Bahadori, A., Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., and Dhungel, S. “Evaluation of Cracking Performance of Bridge Decks Incorporating Nonmetallic Fibers,” SL Report 22-1, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2022, 120 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
O’Reilly, M., and Martin, G., “Rapid Macrocell Tests of 2205 Reinforcing Bars,” SL Report 22-2a, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2022, 7 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
O’Reilly, M., “Effect of Damaged Area on Service Life of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement,” SL Report 22-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2022, 11 pp. Download pdf. KU ScholarWorks
Rulon, R., Lequesne, R. D., Lepage, A., and Darwin, D., “Lap Splicing of Large High-Strength Steel Reinforcing Bars,” SM Report No. 148, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, March 2022, 136 pp. Download pdf KU ScholarWorks
O’Reilly, M., “Galvanic Corrosion Potential of ChromX Reinforcement,” SL Report 21-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2021, 14 pp KU ScholarWorks
O’Reilly, M., Vosough-Grayli, P., and Darwin, D., “Corrosion Performance of ChromX 2100, 4100, and 9100 Bars,” SL Report 21-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2021, 34 pp KU ScholarWorks
Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., Vosough Grayli, P., and Hartell, J. A., “Evaluating the Performance of Existing Reinforcement for Oklahoma Bridges,” Final Project Report – FHWA-OK-20-06, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, November 2020, 194 pp., also SM Report No. 146, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas KU ScholarWorks
Bridwell, L., Bennett, C., Collins, W., Li, J., "RE-0756-01: Effectiveness of Mechanical Treatment of Crack-Arrest Holes Subject to Distortion-Induced Fatigue," SM Report No. 145, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, February 2021, 24 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Lepage, A., Yasso, S., and Darwin, D., “Recommended Provisions and Commentary on Development Length for High-Strength Reinforcement in Tension,” SL Report 20-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2020, 12 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Yu, D., Bennett, C., Li, J., Collins, W., and Sutley, E., "Analytical Investigation of Saddle Connections for Overhead Sign Trusses with Respect to Strength and Fatigue Performance," SM Report No. 144, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2020, 59 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Weber-Kamin, A. S., Lequesne, R. D., and Lepage, A., “Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams with High-Strength Steel Bars,” SM Report No. 143, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2020, 598 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Burgos, E. A., Lequesne, R. D., and Lepage, A., “Earthquake-Resistant T-Shaped Concrete Walls with High-Strength Steel Bars,” SM Report No. 142, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2020, 330 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Yu, D., Bennett, C., Li, J., Collins, W., and Sutley, E., "Determination of Fatigue Resistance of Coupler Connections in Aluminum Overhead Truss Structures," SM Report No. 137, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2020, 69 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Lafikes, J., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M., “Durability, Construction, and Early Evaluation of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks,” SM Report No. 141, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 2020, 403 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Abdul Baki, A., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M., “Effects of Deicing Salts on the Durability of Concrete Incorporating Supplementary Cementitious Materials,” SM Report No. 140, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2020, 201 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Al-Sabawy, A., Lequesne, R. D., O’Reilly, M., Darwin, D., and Lepage, A., “Headed and High-Strength Shear Reinforcement in Concrete Members,” SM Report No. 139, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2020, 498 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Ameen, S., Lequesne, R. D., and Lepage, A., “Diagonally-Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams with High-Strength Steel Bars,” SM Report No. 138, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2020, 346 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Blessent, M., Darwin, D., Lepage, A., Lequesne, R. D., and O’Reilly, M., “Anchorage of Large High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks and Heads: Initial Tests,” SL Report 20-3, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., February 2020, Lawrence, KS, 40 pp. Download pdf; KUScholarWorks
Mudaliar, T., Lequesne, R. D., and Fadden, M., “Topology Optimized Reinforced Concrete Walls Constructed with 3D Printed Formwork,” SL Report 20-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2020, 152 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Feng M. and Darwin, D., “Implementation of Crack-Reducing Technologies for Concrete in Bridge Decks: Synthetic Fibers, Internal Curing, and Shrinkage-Reducing Admixtures,” SM Report No. 136, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2020, 242 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Hano, M. M., Darwin, D., Misra, A., O’Reilly, M., “Headed Reinforcing Bars: CCT Node Tests, Design Provisions, and Evaluation of a Granular Micromechanics Model for use in Finite Element Analysis of Bond,” SM Report No. 135, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 2019, 282 pp. KU ScholarWorks
O’Reilly, M., Darwin, D., Vosough Grayli, P., and Farshadfar, O., “Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel Clad Reinforcing Bars,” SL Report 19-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2019, 19 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Ibrahim, E. K., Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., “Effect of Crack-Reducing Technologies and Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Settlement Cracking of Plastic Concrete and Durability Performance of Hardened Concrete,” SM Report No. 134, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2019, 268 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Senior, H., Bennett, C., Collins, W., Li, J., Ewing, M., and Fadden, M., "Dynamic PErformaic of Cantilevered Sign Trusses for Fatigue," SM Report No. 133, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2019, 179 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Lafikes, J., Darwin, D., O’Reilly, M., Feng, M., Bahadori, A., and, Khajehdehi, R., “Construction of Low-Cracking High-Performance Bridge Decks Incorporating New Technology,” SM Report No. 132, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 2019, 98 pp. KU ScholarWorks
Lequesne, R. D., Collins, W., Lucon, E., Poudel, A., and Darwin, D., “Development of a Precision Statement for ASTM A1061,” SM Report No. 131, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2019, 126 pp. KUScholarWorks
Lequesne, R. D. and Collins, W., “Synthesis of Rating Methodologies for Concrete Bridges without Plans,” SL Report 19-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2019, 292 pp. KUScholarWorks
Weber-Kamin, A. S., Lequesne, R. D., and Lepage, A., “RC Coupling Beams with High-Strength Steel Bars: Summary of Test Results,” SL Report 19-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2019, 133 pp. KUScholarWorks
Khajehdehi, R. and Darwin, D., “Controlling Cracks in Bridge Decks,” SM Report No. 129, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 2018, 218 pp. KUScholarWorks
Farshadfar, O., O’Reilly, M., and Darwin, D., “Corrosion Performance of Plain and Epoxy-Coated MMFX Bars,” SL Report 18-4a, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October 2018, 78 pp. KUScholarWorks
Farshadfar, O., O’Reilly, M., and Darwin, D., “Corrosion Performance of Plain and Epoxy-Coated MMFX Bars,” SL Report 18-4, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October 2018, 114 pp. KUScholarWorks
Poudel, A., Lequesne, R. D., and Lepage, A., “Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams: Effects of Axial Restraint,” SL Report 18-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2018, 48 pp. KUScholarWorks
Huq, M. S., Weber-Kamin, A. S., Ameen, S., Lequesne, R. D., and Lepage, A., “High-Strength Steel Bars in Earthquake-Resistant T-Shaped Concrete Walls,” SM Report No. 128, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2018, 373 pp. KUScholarWorks
Lafikes, J., Khajehdehi, R., Feng, M., O’Reilly, M., and Darwin, D., “Internal Curing and Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Bridge Decks,” SL Report 18-2, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 2018, 67 pp. KUScholarWorks
Ghimire, K., Darwin, D., and O’Reilly, M., “Anchorage of Headed Reinforcing Bars in Concrete,” SM Report No. 127, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2018, 278 pp. KUScholarWorks
Lequesne, R., O’Reilly, M., Darwin, D., Lepage, A., Al-Sabawy, A., Guillen, E., and Spradling, D., “Use of Headed Bars as Shear Reinforcement,” SM Report No. 126, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2018, 244 pp. KUScholarWorks
Pendergrass, B., Darwin, D., Khajehdehi, R., and Feng, M., “Combined Effects of Internal Curing, Slag, and Silica Fume on Drying Shrinkage of Concrete,” SL Report 17-1, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2017, 41 pp KUScholarWorks
Ajaam, Ali, Darwin, D., and O'Reilly, M., "Anchorage Strength of Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks," SM Report No. 125, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 2017, 372 pp. KUScholarWorks
Yasso, S., Darwin, D., and O'Reilly, M., "Anchorage Strength of Standard Hooked Bars in Simulated Exterior Beam-Column Joints," SM Report No. 124, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 2017, 330 pp. KUScholarWorks
Keith, C., Dehghani Najvani, M. A., O’Reilly, M., Medina, M., Darwin, D., Abdul Baki, A. N., Nazzal, L. A., and Lee, K. O, “Assessment of Moisture-Tolerant Coatings for Decreasing Open Top Construction Time,” SM Report No. 123, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, April 2017, 56 pp. KUScholarWorks
Zhou, J., Bennett, C., Matamoros, A, and Li, J., "Skewed Steel Bridges, Part II: Cross-Frame and Connection Design to Ensure Brace Effectiveness," SM Report No. 118, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, March 2017, 185 pp. KUScholarWorks;
Farshadfar, O., O’Reilly, M., Darwin, D., "Performance Evaluation of Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete," SM Report No. 122, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2017, 350 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Khajehdehi, R., Alhmood, A., Feng, M., Lafikes, J., Ibrahim, K., O’Reilly. M., "Construction of Crack-Free Bridge Decks: Final Report, " SM Report No. 121, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 2016, 160 pp. KUScholarWorks
O’Reilly, M., Darwin, D., Sperry, J., and Browning, J., “Variation of Concrete Strength, Permeability, and Porosity due to Specimen Type, Season, and Age,” SM Report No. 120, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2017, 78 pp. KUScholarWorks
O’Reilly, M., Sperry, J., Browning, J., and Darwin, D., “Evaluation of Effects of Casting And Curing Conditions and Specimen Type on Concrete Strength and Permeability,” SM Report No. 119, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2017, 214 pp. KUScholarWorks
Farshadfar, O., Keith C. A., O’Reilly, M., Darwin, D. "Corrosion Tests of XM28 Stainless Steel Reinforcing Bars," SL Report No. 16-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2016, 34 pp. KUScholarWorks
Shao,Y., Darwin, D., O'Reilly, M., Lequesne, R.D., Ghimire, K., Hano, Muna, "Anchorage of Conventional and High-Strength Headed Reinforcing Bars, " SM Report No. 117, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2016, 234 pp. KUScholarWorks
Carlton, K. and Lequesne, R. "Charts for Preliminary Selection of NU Girder Sections Based on Kansas Department of Transportation LRFD Design Guidelines for Prestressed Concrete Beams," SL Report 16-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2016, 38 pp. KUScholarWorks
Al-Qassag, O., Darwin, D., and O'Reilly, M., "Effect of a Rheology Modifier on Settlement Cracking of Concrete," SM Report No. 116a, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 2016, 38 pp. KUScholarWorks
Carter, N. and O'Reilly, M. "Graffiti Resistance of Wax-based and Epoxy-based Coatings on Steel and Concrete Substrates," SL Report 16-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2016, 50 pp. KUScholarWorks
Al-Qassag, O., Darwin, D., and O'Reilly, M., "Effect of Synthetic Fibers and a Rheology Modifier on Settlement Cracking of Concrete," SM Report No. 116, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 2015, 130 pp. KUScholarWorks
Sperry, J., Darwin, D., O'Reilly, M., and Lequesne, R., "Anchorage Strength of Conventional and High-Strength Hooked Bars in Concrete," SM Report No. 115, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 2015, 281 pp. KUScholarWorks
Tameemi, W. and Lequesne, R., "Correlations Between Compressive, Flexural, and Tensile Behavior of Self-Consolidating Fiber Reinforced Concrete," SM Report No. 114, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2015, 399 pp. KUScholarWorks
Zhou, J., Bennett, C., Matamoros, A., Li, J., and Rolfe, S., "Skewed Steel Bridges, Part 1: Effect of Cross-Frame Layout on Lateral Flange Bending Stresses," SM Report No. 113, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2015, 28 pp. KUScholarWorks
McElrath, Matamoros, A., Bennett, C., Li, J., and Rolfe, S., "Repair of Distortion-Induced Fatigue Damage in Bridge No. 135-87 (043SB and 044NB) Using Newly-Developed Strengthening Schemes," SM Report No. 112, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2015, 130 pp. KUScholarWorks
Alhmood, A., Darwin, D., and O'Reilly, M., "Crack Surveys of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks in Kansas 2014-2015," SL Report 15-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2015, 118 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bun, S.H., Bonet, E., Matamoros, A., Bennett, C., Li, J., and Rolfe, S., "Improving Infrastructures Sustainability II: Repairing Existing Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges Using CFRP Materials," SM Report No. 110, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2015, 36 pp. KUScholarWorks
Liu, H., Bennett, C., Matamoros, A., Li, J., Barrett-Gonzalez, R., Rolfe, S., "Improving Infrastructure Sustainability I: Extending Useable Lives of Steel Bridges by Halting Distortion-Induced Fatigue Crack Propagation Using Pretensioned Bolts and Plate Washers," SM Report No. 109, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 2015, 67 pp. KUScholarWorks
Sperry, J., Al-Yasso, S., Searle, N., DeRubeis, M., Darwin, D., O'Reilly, M., Matamoros, A. B., Feldman, L., Lepage, A., Lequesne, R., and Ajaam, A., "Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks," SM Report No. 111, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 2015, 266 pp. KUScholarWorks
Brettmann, R., Darwin, D., O'Reilly, M., "Developing a Test to Evaluate Settlement Cracking Performance," SL Report 15-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2015, 48 pp. KUScholarWorks
Polley, G., Feng, M., Khajehdehi, R., Alhmood, A., Al-Qassag, O., Darwin, D., "Use of Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures and Lightweight Concrete in Virginia Bridge Decks - 2014," SL Report 15-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 2015 [Modified December 2015], 74 pp. KUScholarWorks
Farshadfar, O., Ajaam, A., Hano, M., O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., "Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars with Deformation Spacings that Exceed Maximum Specified in ASTM A615," SL Report 14-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2014, 26 pp. KUScholarWorks
Searle, N., DeRubeis, M., Darwin, D., Matamoros, A. B., O'Reilly, M., and Feldman, L., "Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks - Initial Tests," SM Report No. 108, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, February 2014, 120 pp. KUScholarWorks
Pendergrass, B. and Darwin, D., "Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks: Shrinkage-Reducing Admixtures, Internal Curing, and Cracking Performance," SM Report No. 107, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, February 2014, 664 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bohaty, B., Riedel, E., and Darwin, D., "Crack Surveys of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks in Kansas 2011-2013," SL Report 13-6, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2013, 153 pp. KUScholarWorks
Pendergrass, B., Shrestha, P., Riedel, E., Polley, G., and Darwin, D., "Evaluation of Cracking Performance of Bridge Decks in Minnesota," SL Report 13-4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, October 2013, 24 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., O'Reilly, M., Somogie, I., Sperry, J., Lafikes, J., Storm, S., Browning, J., "Stainless Steel Reinforcement as a Replacement for Epoxy Coasted Steel in Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 105, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, August 2013, 205 pp. KUScholarWorks
Shrestha, P., Harley, A., Pendergrass, B., Darwin, D. and Browning. J., “Use of Innovative Concrete Mixes for Improved Constructability and Sustainability of Bridge Decks, 2010-2013,” SL Report 13-3, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, May 2013, 100 pp. KUScholarWorks
O'Reilly, M. and Darwin, D., "Rapid Macrocell Tests of 2205 and XM-28 Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 13-2a, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2013, 29 pp. KUScholarWorks
Peckover, J. and Darwin, D., "Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks: Initial Tests," SL Report 13-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2013, 55 pp. KUScholarWorks
O'Reilly, M. and Darwin, D., "Rapid Macrocell Tests of 2304 and XM-28 Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 12-3a, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, November 2012, 17 pp. KUScholarWorks
Yuan, J., O'Reilly, M., Matamoros, A. B., and Darwin, D., "Effect of Simulated Cracks on Lap Splice Strength of Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 12-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 2012, 243 pp. KUScholarWorks
O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Corrosion Performance of Prestressing Strands in Contact with Dissimilar Grouts," SL Report 12-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, April 2012, 50 pp. KUScholarWorks
Huang, Y. and Bai, Y., "Field Experiments for Comparing the Effectiveness of Graphics Displayed in a Portable Changeable Message Sign in Highway Work Zones," Final Report on Research Sponsored by KU Transportation Research Institute, Kansas Department of Transportation, and Federal Highway Administration, January 2012, 52 pp. KUScholarWorks
Harley, A., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Use of Innovative Concrete Mixes for Improved Constructability and Sustainability of Bridge Decks 2010-2011," SL Report 11-5, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2011, 82 pp. KUScholarWorks
Lafikes, J., Storm, S., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and O'Reilly, M., "Stainless Steel Reinforcement as a Replacement for Epoxy Coated Steel in Bridge Decks," SL Report 11-4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, November 2011, 172 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Browning, J., O'Reilly, M., Locke, C.E., and Virmani, Y. P., "Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components," Publication No. FHWA-HRT-11-060, Federal Highway Administration, SM Report No. 101, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, November 2011, 255 pp. KUScholarWorks
Pendergrass, B., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Crack Surveys of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks in Kansas 2009-2010, SL Report 11-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, October 2011, 106 pp. KUScholarWorks
Lafikes, J., Storm, S., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and O'Reilly, M., "Stainless Steel Reinforcement as a Replacement for Epoxy Coated Steel in Bridge Decks," The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October 2011, 71 pp. KUScholarWorks
Yuan, J., Darwin, D., Browning, J., "Development and Construction of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks: Free Shrinkage Tests, Restrained Ring Tests, Construction Experience, and Crack Survey Results," SM Report No. 103, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, September 2011, 505 pp. KUScholarWorks
Neff, M., Bai, Y., Schrock, S., and Mulinazzi, T.E., "Developing a Sustainable Freight Transportation Framework with the Consideration of Improving Safety and Minimizing Carbon Emissions," Final Report on Research Sponsored by the Mid-America Transportation Center/U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration, September 2011, 81 pp. KUScholarWorks
Li, Y., Bai, Y., Schrock, S., and Mulinazzi, T.E., "Modeling Truck Speed in the Upstream of One-lane Two-way Highway Work Zones: Implications on Reducing Truck-Related Crashes in Work Zones," Final Report on Research Sponsored by the Mid-America Transportation Center/U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration, July 2011, 83 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y., Huang, Y., Schrock, S., and Li, Y., "Determining the Effectiveness of Graphic-aided Dynamic Message Signs in Work Zone," A Report on Research Sponsored by Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, Iowa Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration, July 2011, 140 pp. KUScholarWorks
Firat Alemdar, Z., Matamoros, A. B., Browning, J., "Modeling Surface Deformations and Hinging Regions in Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns ," SL Report 11-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, August 2011, 59 pp. KUScholarWorks
Sturgeon, W.J., O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Rapid Macrocell Tests of Enduramet® 33, Enduramet® 316LN, and Endurament® 2205 Stainless Steel Bars," SL Report 11-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2011. 24 pp. KUScholarWorks
O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and Locke, Jr., C., "Evaluation of Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 100, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2011, 535 pp. KUScholarWorks
Sturgeon, W.J., O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Rapid Macrocell Tests of Enduramet® 32 Stainless Steel Bars," SL Report 10-5, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, November 2010. 17 pp. KUScholarWorks
Sturgeon, W.J., O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Rapid Macrocell Tests of ASTM A775, A615, and A1035 Reinforcing Bars" SL Report 10-4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, November 2010, 46 pp. KUScholarWorks
Sturgeon, W.J., O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Rapid Macrocell Tests of Enduramet® 2304 Stainless Steel Bars," SL Report 10-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, September 2010. 40 pp. KUScholarWorks
Xing, L., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Evaluation of Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems and Corrosion Inhibitors for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 99 , The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, May 2010, 507 pp. KUScholarWorks
O'Reilly, M., Sturgeon, W.J., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Rapid Macrocell Tests of LDX 2101® Stainless Steel Bars," SL Report 10-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, May 2010, 42 pp. KUScholarWorks
West, M., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Effect of Materials and Curing Period on Shrinkage of Concrete" SM Report No. 98, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2010, 296 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y., Schrock, S. D., Mulinazzi, T. E., Hou, W., Liu, C., and Firman, U., "Estimating Highway Pavement Damage Costs Attributed to Truck Traffic," A Report on Research Sponsored by Mid-America Transportation Center/Federal Highway Administration, December 2009, 179 pp. KUScholarWorks
O'Reilly, M., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Beam-End Bond Tests and Bend Tests of Zinc-Clad No. 6 reinforcing Bars" SL Report 09-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2009, 20 pp. KUScholarWorks
Reynolds, D., Browning, J., and Darwin, D., "Lightweight Aggregates as an Internal Curing Agent for Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete" SM Report No. 97, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2009, 160 pp. KUScholarWorks
Draper, J., Darwin, D., Browning, J., Locke, C.E., Jr., "Evaluation of Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 96, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2009, 429 pp. KUScholarWorks
Wurfel, E., Bai, Y., Huan, L., and Buhr, V., “Freight Analysis Framework for Major Metropolitan Areas in Kansas,” Final Report for Kansas Department of Transportation Research Project KU-08-4, November 2009, 139 pp. KUScholarWorks
Dietz, A, "Local Applications of Fluvial Geomorphology," M.S. Special Project Report, Advisor, A. David Parr, November 2009, 69 pg. KUScholarWorks
McLeod, H., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Development and Construction of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks: Construction Methods, Specifications, and Resistance to Chloride Ion Penetration" SM Report No. 94, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, September 2009, 848 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y., Firman, U., Huan, L., and Wang, X., “Development of a Work Zone Training Program,” Final Report, Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, Iowa Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration, August 2009, 85 pp. KUScholarWorks
Gruman, D., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Crack Surveys of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks in Kansas 2006-2008," SL Report 09-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2009, 53 pp. KUScholarWorks
Matchulat, L., "Mitigation of Collapse Risk in Vulnerable Concrete Buildings," SM Report No. 93, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2009, 123 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Li, Y., Chan, M., Firman, U., Finger, K., Mills, M., Bai, Y. Schrock, S., Chong, O., Atchley, P., and Perlmutter, D., "Improving Highway Work Zone Safety," Final Report, KU Transportation Research Institute, Kansas Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, January 2009, 196 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y. and Li, Y., “Reducing Work Zone Crashes By Using Vehicle's Warning Flashes As a Warning Sign,” Final Report for Kansas Department of Transportation Research Project KU-07-3, January 2009, 144 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y., Huan, J., and Peddi, A., "Development of Human Poses for the Determination of On-site Construction Productivity in Real-time," Final Report, National Science Foundation, December 2008, 90 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Lindquist, W., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., “Development and Construction of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks: Free Shrinkage, Mixture Optimization, and Concrete Production” SM Report No. 92, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, November 2008, 540 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Browning, J., O'Reilly, M., Xing, L., "Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars with Deformation Spacings that Exceed Maximum Specified in ASTM A615," SL Report 08-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, March 2008, 21 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Vilhauer, B., Bennett, C., Matamoros, A. B., Rolfe, S., "Fatigue Behavior of Welded Connections Enhanced with UIT and Bolting," SM Report No. 91, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, March 2008, 299 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y. and Kim, S, "Development of a Wireless Real-Time Productivity Measurement System for Rapid Bridge Replacement," Final Report, KU Transportation Research Institute, Kansas Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, January 2008, 180 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Browning, J., Gong, L., Hughes, S.R., "Effects of Deicers on Concrete Deterioration", SL Report 07-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2007, 28 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Browning, J., O'Reilly, M., Xing, L., "Critical Chloride Corrosion Threshold for Galvanized Reinforcing Bars", SL Report 07-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2007, 36 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Seliem, H.M., Hosny, A., Rizkalla, S., Zia, P., Briggs, M., Miller, S., Darwin, D., Browning, J., Glass, G.M., Hoyt, K., Donnelly, K., and Jirsa, J.O., “Bond Behavior of MMFX (ASTM A 1035) Reinforcing Steel”, Summary Report of a Cooperative Research program – Phase I, submitted to MMFX Technologies Corporation, Irvine, California, November 2007, 32 pgs. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y. and Li, Y., “Determining Major Causes of Highway Work Zone Accidents in Kansas, Phase II,” Final Report for Kansas Department of Transportation Research Project KU-06-1, October 2007, 134 pp. KUScholarWorks
Briggs, M., Miller, S., Darwin, D., Browning, J., “Bond Behavior of Grade 100 ASTM A 1035 Reinforcing Steel in Beam-Splice Specimens,” SL Report 07-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, August 2007, 92 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Browning, J., Nguyen, T., and Locke, C.E., Jr., “Evaluation of Metallized Stainless Steel Clad Reinforcement,” SM Report No. 90, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 2007, 156 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Browning, J., Locke, C.E., Jr., and Nguyen, T., "Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components," SM Report No. 84, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 2007, 116 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y., Oslund, P., Mulinazzi, T., Tamara, S., Liu, C., Barnaby, M., and Atkins, C., "Transportation Logistics and Economics of the Processed Meat and Related Industries in Southwest Kansas," Final Report for Kansas Department of Transportation Research Project KU-06-3, July 2007, 378 pp. KUScholarWorks
Glavinich, T.E., "Guide to Benchmarking Field Operations", No. F2605, ELECTRI International, The Foundation for Electrical Construction, April 2007, 44 pp.
Glavinich, T.E., "A Guide for Entering the IBS Market", No. F2703, ELECTRI International, The Foundation for Electrical Construction, April 2007, 85 pp.
Deshpande, S., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Evaluating Free Shrinkage of Concrete for Control of Cracking in Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 89, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2007, 290 pp. KUScholarWorks
Anderson, B., Rolfe, S.T., Matamoros, A. B., Bennett, C., and Bonetti, S., "Post Retrofit Analysis of the Tuttle Creek Bridge Br. No. 16-81-2.24," SM Report No. 88, The University of Kansas Center for Research, January 2007, 80 pp. KUScholarWorks
Young, C. B., “Mapping the Rainfall Event for Stormwater Quality Control,” Report No. K-TRAN: KU-03-1, Kansas Department of Transportation, July 2006, 17 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bai, Y. and Li, Y., "Determining Major Causes of Highway Work Zone Accidents in Kansas," Final Report for Kansas Department of Transportation Research Project KAN37040, June 2006, 168 pp. KUScholarWorks
Guo, G., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and Locke, Jr., C.E., "Laboratory and Field Tests of Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components and 2205 Pickled Stainless Steel," SM Report No. 85, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 2006, 865 pp. KUScholarWorks
Warden, B., Browning, J., and Matamoros, A. B., "A Simplified Method to Estimate Nonlinear Response with an Approximate Linear Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Structures," SM Report No. 83, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, April 2006, 116 pp. KUScholarWorks
Gong, L., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and Locke, C.E., "Evaluation of Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems and Stainless Steel Clad Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete," SM Report No. 82, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2006, 540 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bonetti, S., Roddis, W.M. Kim, and Matamoros, A., "Reduced Brace Section (RXS) Proof of Concept: Phase 1B," SM Report No. 81, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2006, 57 pp. KUScholarWorks
Ji, J., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., "Corrosion Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steels and MMFX Microcomposite Steel for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 80, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2005, 507 pp. KUScholarWorks
Marshall, N., Ramirez, G., Roddis, W., Rolfe, S., Matamoros, A. B., "Field Instrumentation and Analysis of the Tuttle Creek Bridge Br. No. 16-81-2.24 (017)" SM Report No. 79, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, April 2005, 126 pp. KUScholarWorks
Lindquist, W., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., “Cracking and Chloride Contents in Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks,” SM Report No. 78, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, February 2005, 453 pp. KUScholarWorks
Tritsch, N., Darwin, D., and Browning, J., “Evaluating Shrinkage and Cracking Behavior of Concrete Using Restrained Ring and Free Shrinkage Tests,” SM Report No. 77, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2005, 178 pp. KUScholarWorks
Hudson, J., and Darwin, D., “Evaluation and Repair of Blast Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams,” SL Report 05-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2005, 111 pp. KUScholarWorks
Balma, J., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and Locke, C.E., Jr., "Evaluation of Corrosion Protection Systems and Corrosion Testing Methods for Reinforcing Steel in Concrete," SM Report No. 76, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2005, 517 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bournonville, M., Dahnke, J., and Darwin, D., "Statistical Analysis of the Mechanical Properties and Weight of Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 04-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2004, 194 pp. KUScholarWorks
Ge, B., Darwin, D., Locke, C.E., Jr., and Browning, J., "Evaluation of Corrosion Protection Systems and Testing Methods for Conventional Reinforcing Steel," SM Report No. 73, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, April 2004, 213 pp. KUScholarworks
Ramin, M., Matamoros, A. B., "Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Members Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loads," SM Report No. 72, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, 540 pp. KUScholarWorks
Balma, J., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and Locke, C.E., Jr., "Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Microalloyed Reinforcing Steel," SM Report No. 71, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2002,171 pp. KUScholarWorks
Gong, L., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and Locke, C.E., Jr., "Evaluation of Mechanical And Corrosion Properties of MMFX Reinforcing Steel for Concrete," SM Report No. 70, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 2002, 113 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Kahrs, J. T., Locke, C.E., Jr., "Evaluation of Corrosion Resisance of Type 304 Stainless Steel Clad Reinforcing Bars," The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, September 2002, 91 pp. KUScholarWorks
Zechmann, R., Matamoros, A. B., "Use of Strut-and-Tie Models to Calculate the Strength of Deep Beams with Openings," SM Report No. 69, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 2002, 79 pp. KUScholarWorks
Brachmann, I., Browning, J., and Matamoros, A. B., “Drift Capacity Approaches of Rectangular Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Cyclic Loading,” SM Report No. 68, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, May 2002, 221 pp. KUScholarWorks
Martinez, S. B., Browning, J., "Response of Reinforced Concrete Building Subjected to Northridge Earthquake," SM Report No. 67, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, May 2002, 106 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Browning, J., Nguyen, T.V., and Locke, C.E., Jr., "Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of a High-Strength, High Chromium Reinforcing Steel for Concrete," SM Report No. 66, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, March 2002, 142 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Kahrs, J.T., and Locke, C.E., Jr., "Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Type 304 Stainless Steel Clad Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 65, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, August 2001, 76 pp. KUScholarWorks
Grandin, J.R., Darwin, D., "Presentation of Experiments for High School Students with Civil Engineering Related Interests," SM Report No. 63, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 2001, 101 pp. KUScholarWorks
Marsh, J.N., Browning, J., "Correlating Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames," SM Report No. 64, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 2001, 184 pp. KUScholarWorks
Kuntz, G.L., Browning, J., "Analysis of Method for Improving the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings During Earthquakes," SM Report No. 61, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 2001, 201 pp. KUScholarWorks
Luft, M., Matamoros, A. B., "Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Earthquake Motions," SM Report No. 62, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 2001, 69 pp. KUScholarWorks
Kepler, J.L., Darwin, D., and Locke, C.E., Jr. "Evaluation of Corrosion Protection Methods for Reinforced Concrete Highway Structures," SM Report No. 58, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, May 2000, 221 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., "Design of Composite Beams with Web Openings," Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, Vol. 2, No. 2, Apr.-June, 2000, 157-163. KUScholarWorks
Miller, G.G. and Darwin, D., "Performance and Constructability of Silica Fume Bridge Deck Overlays," SM Report No. 57, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 2000, 423 pp. KUScholarWorks
Barham, S. and Darwin, D., "Effects of Aggregate Type, Water-to-Cementitious Material Ratio, and Age on Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Concrete," SM Report No. 56, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, August 1999, 95 pp. KUScholarWorks
Fei, J. and Darwin, D., "Fatigue of High Relative Rib Area Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 54, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 1999, 76 pp. KUScholarWorks
Axelsson, H., Darwin, D., and Locke, C.E., Jr., "Influence of Adhesion at Steel/Mortar Interface on Corrosion Characteristics of Reinforcing Steel," SL Report 99-4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 1999, 55 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Locke, C.E., Jr., Balma, and J., Kahrs, J.T., "Evaluation of Stainless Steel Clad Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 99-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 1999, 17 pp. KUScholarWorks
Wang, X. and Roddis, W.M. Kim, "Fabrication error Indexed eXamples and Solutions: FIXS," SL Report 99-5, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1999, 253 pp.
Guo, C.Q. and Roddis, W.M. Kim, "The Significance of P-D Effects in Single Story Metal Building Design," SL Report 99-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1999, 61 pp.
Roddis, W.M. Kim., Kriesten, M. and Liu, Z. "Torsion Analysis for Exterior Girders," Report No. K-TRAN: KU-96-3, Final Report, KTRAN and Mid America Transportation Center MATC/KU96-2, Kansas Department of Transportation, Apr. 1999, 127 pp. KUScholarWorks
Zhang, L., and Roddis, W.M. Kim., "Equation Discovery in Databases from Engineering," SM Report No. 53, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, Apr. 1999, 98 pp. KUScholarWorks
North, T.L. and Roddis, W.M. Kim, "Torsion of Exterior Girders of a Steel Girder Bridge during Concrete Deck Placement Loads: Field Test Report," SL Report 99-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, Mar. 1999, 62 pp.
Mayer, S., and McCabe, S.L., "Parametric Study of a Cable-Stayed Bridge Under Seismic Loads," SM Report No. 52, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, Sept. 1998, 159 pp. KUScholarWorks
Greenfield, R.R. and Roddis, W.M. Kim, "Steel Bridge Fabrication Errors Indexed Examples and Solutions: Combining Rules and Cases," SL Report 98-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1998, 37 pp.
Prein, S., McCabe, S.L., "Effects of Varying Material Properties on the Available Rotation Capacity of a One-Way Slab," SM Report No. 50, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1998, 172 pp. KUScholarWorks
Wu, J., and McCabe, S.L., "Investigation of the Anchorage Behavior of Headed Reinforcing Bars Using the Finite Element Method," SM Report No. 49, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 1998, 105 pp. KUScholarWorks
Miller, G.G., Kepler, J.L., and Darwin, D., "Effect of Epoxy Coating Thickness on Bond Strength of No. 19 [No. 6] Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 98-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January, 1998, 26 pp. KUScholarWorks
Zuo, J. and Darwin, D., "Bond Strength of High Relative Rib Area Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 46, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, January 1998, 377 pp. Download pdf KUScholarWorks
Hofer, A.A., McCabe, S.L., "Comparison of Shear Capacity of T-Beams Using Strut and Tie Analysis," SM Report No. 48, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 1998, 191 pp. KUScholarWorks
Shipley, R.W., Darwin, D., Locke, C.E., Jr., "Stray Current Corrosion Due to Utility Cathodic Protection," SM Report No. 45, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 1997, 51 pp. KUScholarWorks
Wright, J.L. and McCabe, S.L., "The Development Length and Anchorage Behavior of Headed Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 44, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, September 1997, 154 pp. KUScholarWorks
Kozul, R. and Darwin, D., "Effects of Aggregate Type, size, and Content on Concrete Strength and Fracture Energy," SM Report No. 43, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1997, 98pp. KUScholarWorks
Hamid, H.A., Roddis, W.M.K., "Buckling Length of Unbraced Frame Columns," SL Report 97-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 1997, 77 pp. KUScholarWorks
Tholen, M.L., and Darwin, D., "Effects of Deformation Properties on the Bond of Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 42, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, September 1996, 395pp. KUScholarWorks
Tan, C., Darwin, D., Tholen, M.L., Zuo, J., "Splice Strength of Epoxy-Coated High Relative Rib Area Bars," SL Report 96-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 1996, 73 pp. KUScholarWorks
Idun, E.K., and Darwin, D., "Improving the Development Characteristics of Steel Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 41, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 1995, 293 pp. KUScholarWorks
Schwensen, S.M., Darwin, D., Locke, C.E., Jr., "Rapid Evaluation of Corrosion-Resistant Concrete Reinforcing Steel in the Presence of Deicers," SL Report 95-6, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence KS, July 1995, 93 pp. KUScholarWorks
Senecal, M.R., Darwin, D., Locke, C.E., Jr., "Evaluation of Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 40., The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 1995, 153 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., "Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 95-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 1995, 25 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Tholen, M.L., Idun, E.K., Zuo, J., "Splice Strength of High Relative Rib Area Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 95-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 1995, 64 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Zuo, J., Tholen, M.L., Idun, E.K., "Development Length Criteria for Conventional and High Relative Rib Area Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 95-4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 1995, 75 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Idun, E.K., Zuo, J., Tholen, M.L., "Reliability-Based Strength Reduction Factor for Bond," SL Report 95-5, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 1995, 51 pp. KUScholarWorks
Schmitt, T.R., and Darwin, D., "Cracking in Concrete Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 39, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 1995, 164 pp. KUScholarWorks
Smith, J.L., Darwin, D., Locke, C.E., Jr., "Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars Initial Tests," SL Report 95-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 1995, 47 pp. KUScholarWorks
Zuo, J., Darwin, D., "Permanent Concrete Pavement Markings," SM Report No. 38, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 1994, 67 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., "Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars," SL Report 94-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 29, 1994, 11 pp. KUScholarWorks
McCabe, S.L., "Mechanical Coupler Testing Report," The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 1994, 84 pp. KUScholarWorks
Ravikumar, S., Darwin, D., McCabe, S.L., Pasley, G.P., "Shear Strength of Continuous Lightly Reinforced Concrete Joist Systems," SM Report No. 37, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, March 1994, 137 pp. KUScholarWorks
Brown, C.J., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Finite Element Fracture Analysis of Steel-Concrete Bond," SM Report No. 36, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, November 1993, 98pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., and Salamizavaregh, S., "Bond Strength of Grouted Reinforcing Bars," SM Report No. 32, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October 1993, 149 pp. KUScholarWorks
Ketcham, K.W., Romero, F.A., Darwin, D., Gong, S., Abou-Zeid, M.N., Martin, J.L., "Automated Crack Identification for Cement Paste," SM Report No. 34, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, April 1993, 75 pp. KUScholarWorks
Hanks, D.L., Darwin, D., McCabe, S.L., "Predicting the Cyclic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams," SM Report No. 33, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, March 1993, 250 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., and Graham, E.K., "Effect of Deformation Height and Spacing on Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars," Project 56, SL Report 93-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 1993, 71 pp. KUScholarWorks
Schmitt, T.R., and Darwin, D., "Bond of Epoxy-Coated Wire to Concrete," SL Report 92-5, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, November 1992, 16 pp. KUScholarWorks
Chappelow, C. C., McElroy, A. D., Blackburn, R. R., Darwin, D., De Noyelles, F. G., Locke, C. E., Handbook of Test Methods for Evaluating Chemical Deicers, SHRP-H-332, Strategic Highway Research Program, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., November 1992, 283 pp. KUScholarWorks
Hadje-Ghaffari, H., Choi, O.C., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Bond of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement to Concrete: Cover, Casting Position, Slump, and Consolidation," SL Report 92-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 1992, 45 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., McCabe, S.L., Idun, E.K., and Schoenekase, S.P., "Development Length Criteria: Bars Without Transverse Reinforcement," SL Report 92-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, April 1992, 68 pp. KUScholarWorks
Martin, J.L., Darwin, D., Terry, R.E., "Cement Paste, Mortar and Concrete Under Monotonic, Sustained and Cyclic Loading," SM Report No. 31, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October 1991, 176 pp. KUScholarWorks
Dewey, G.R., and Darwin, D., "Image Analysis of Air Voids in Air-Entrained Concrete," SM Report No. 29, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 1991, 350 pp. KUScholarWorks
Hadje-Ghaffari, H., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Effects of Epoxy-Coating on the Bond of Reinforcing Steel to Concrete," SM Report No. 28, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 1991, 304 pp. KUScholarWorks
Chien, M., and Roddis, W.M.K., "Comparison of QPE and QSIM as Qualitative Reasoning Techniques," SM Report No. 27, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 1991, 156 pp. KUScholarWorks
Hester, C.J., Salamizavaregh, S., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Bond of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement to Concrete: Splices," SL Report 91-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, May 1991, 69 pp. KUScholarWorks
Pasley, G.P., Gogoi, S., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Shear Strength of Continuous Lightly Reinforced T-Beams," SM Report No. 26, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 1990, 162 pp. KUScholarWorks
Martinez, S.L., Darwin, D., McCabe, S.L., and Locke, C.E., "Rapid Test for Corrosion Effects of Deicing Chemicals in Reinforced Concrete," SL Report 90-4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 1990, 63 pp. KUScholarWorks
Choi, O.C., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Bond Strength of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement to Concrete," SM Report No. 25, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 1990, 217 pp. KUScholarWorks
Zhao, H., and Darwin, D., "Quantitative Backscattered Electron Analysis Techniques for Cement-Based Materials," SM Report No. 24 The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 1990, 57 pp. KUScholarWorks
Lucas, W.K. and Darwin, D., "Steel and Composite Beams with Web Openings," SM Report No. 23, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1990, 208 pp. 18MB KUScholarWorks
Benitez, M.A., Darwin, D., and Donahey, R.C., "Deflections of Composite Beams with Web Openings," SL Report 90-3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 1990, 64 pp. KUScholarWorks
Cong, X., Gong, S., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Role of Silica Fume in Compressive Strength of Cement Paste, Mortar, and Concrete," SL Report 90-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 1990, 37 pp. KUScholarWorks
Choi, O.C., Hadje-Ghaffari, H., Darwin, D., and McCabe, S.L., "Bond of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement to Concrete: Bar Parameters," SL Report 90-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 1990, 46 pp. KUScholarWorks
Sorem, W.A., Dodds, R.H., Jr., Rolfe, S., "The Effect of Crack Depth on Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness in Bend-Bar Specimens," SL Report 89-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October, 1989, 40 pp. KUScholarWorks
Harsh, S., Shen, Z., Darwin, D., "Rate Sensitive Behavior of Cement Paste and Mortar in Compression," SM Report No. 22, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, March 1989, 301 pp. KUScholarWorks
Hanks, D.L., Darwin, D., "Cyclic Behavior of High Strength Concrete Beams," SM Report No. 21, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, August 1988, 130 pp. KUScholarWorks
Darwin, D., Attiogbe, E.K., Harsh, S., Zhenjia, S., and Dewey, G.R., "Submicroscopic Deformation in Cement Paste and Mortar at High Load Rates," SL Report 88-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 1985- 31 July 1988, 104 pp. KUScholarWorks
Pfeiffer, M.J. and Darwin, D., "Joint Design for Reinforced Concrete Buildings," SM Report No. 20, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, December 1987, 80 pp. KUScholarWorks
Dodds, R.H., Jr., Attiogbe. E.K., and Vargas, P.M., "Crack Opening Displacements in Pipes Containing a Part-Through Circumferential Flaw," SM Report No. 19, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 1987, 100 pp. KUScholarWorks
Donahey, R.C., and Darwin, D., "Performance and Design of Composite Beams with Web Openings," SM Report No. 18, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 1986, 264 pp. KUScholarWorks
Attiogbe, E., and Darwin, D., "Submicroscopic Cracking of Cement Paste and Mortar in Compression," SM Report No. 16, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, November 1985, 466 pp. KUScholarWorks
Schmidt, R.J., and Dodds, R.H., Jr., "Theoretical and Software Consideration for General Dynamic Analysis Using Multilevel Substructured Models," SM Report No. 15, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 1985, 158 pp. KUScholarWorks
Gray, D.C., and Darwin, D., "Expansion and Contraction Joints in Reinforced Concrete Buildings," SM Report No. 14, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 1984, 44 pp. KUScholarWorks
Altowaiji, W.A.K., Darwin, D., Donahey, R.C., "Preliminary Study of the Effect of Revibration on Concrete-Steel Bond Strength," SL Report 84-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research , Inc., Lawrence, KS, November 1984, 32 pp. KUScholarWorks
Rodrigues, C.P. and Darwin, D., "Negative Moment Region Shear Strength of Lightly Reinforced T-Beams," SM Report No. 13, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1984, 124 pp. KUScholarWorks
Nmai, C.K., Darwin, D., "Cyclic Behavior of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Beams," SM Report No. 12, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 1984, 150 pp. KUScholarWorks
Brettmann, B.B., Darwin, D., Donahey, R.C., "Effect of Superplasticizers on Concrete-Steel Bond Strength," SL Report 84-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS, April 1984, 35 pp. KUScholarWorks
Leibengood, L.D., Darwin, D., and Dodds, R.H., "Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Fracture Specimens," SM Report No. 11, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, May 1984, 128 pp. KUScholarWorks
Harsh, S., and Darwin, D., "Effects of Traffic Induced Vibrations on Bridge Deck Repairs," SM Report No. 9, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 1984, 66 pp. KUScholarWorks
Donahey, R.C., and Darwin, D., "Effects of Construction Procedures on Bond in Bridge Decks," SL Report 83-1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, June 1983, 32 pp., KUScholarWorks
Harsh, S., and Darwin, D., "Effects of Traffic Induced Vibrations on Bridge Deck Repairs," SL Report 83-2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, June 1983, 26 pp. KUScholarWorks
Donahey, R.C., and Darwin, D., "Effects of Construction Procedures on Bond in Bridge Decks," SM Report No. 7, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, January 1983, 136 pp. KUScholarWorks
Dodds, R.H., Darwin, D., Smith, J.L., Leibengood, L.D., "Grid Size Effects with Smeared Cracking in Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete," SM Report No. 6, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, August 1982, 130 pp. KUScholarWorks
Maher, A., and Darwin, D., "Mortar Constituent of Concrete Under Cyclic Compression," SM Report No. 5, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October 1980, 180 pp. KUScholarWorks
Clawson, W.C., and Darwin, D., "Composite Beams with Web Openings," SM Report No. 4, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, October 1980, 207 pp. KUScholarWorks
Palaskas, M.N., and Darwin, D., "Shear Strength of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Beams," SM Report No. 3, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, September 1980, 200 pp., KUScholarWorks
Mockry, E.F., and Darwin, D., "Simplified Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns," SM Report No. 2, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, July 1980, 312 pp. (32.51 MB) KUScholarWorks
Attiogbe, E.K., Palaskas, M.N., and Darwin, D., "Shear Cracking and Stirrup Effectiveness of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Beams," SM Report No. 1, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 1980, 144 pp. KUScholarWorks
Bashur, F.K., and Darwin, D., "Nonlinear Model for Reinforced Concrete Slabs," CRINC Report SL-76-03, The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, December 1976, 135 pp. KUScholarWorks
Maher, A. and Darwin, D., “A Finite Element Model to Study the Microscopic Behavior of Plain Concrete,” CRINC Report SL-76-02, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, November 1976, 83 pp. Download pdf
Darwin, D., and Pecknold, D.A.W., "Inelastic Model for Cyclic Biaxial Loading of Reinforced Concrete," The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, July 1974, 178 pp. KUScholarWorks